In loving honor of Cal-e
From Cal-e’s mom: On January 8th I left for work a little rushed as I was running late for a meeting, but I had taken a few moments that morning to snuggle the dogs and especially Cal-e who hovered over me and nuzzled her head into my chest. I put my three dogs (Sheriff, Cal-e, and Booker) and a foster dog (Chance) in the dog room. It’s a room that extends from the front of the house to the back and includes a window to look out the front and plenty of room to stretch their legs during the day.
I arrived home about 5:40 p.m. that night and I sat in the driveway waiting for the garage door to open. Normally the dogs run to the window, bounce off, and greet me at the door into the garage. That night no one came. I knew something was wrong and worried that they had got into the house.
As I got out of the car, I could hear a dog screaming. I rushed to open the door. I could see Sheriff and Chance (in the crate) and they were o.k. Cal-e and Booker were laying behind the door and Booker was struggling. What happened from there is a blur. They were connected and Booker’s mouth was under Cal-e’s collar. (THEY HAD BEEN PLAYING DURING THE DAY AND BOOKER’S MOUTH WAS CAUGHT UNDER HER COLLAR). I worked to disconnect Cal-e’s collar and at one point stood up to get scissors from the kitchen, but couldn’t manage to unlock the door with my keys.
I got back down to get Cal-e’s collar unhooked and then I unhooked Booker’s collar. This is when I realized Cal-e wasn’t alive. She had been strangled. I stood up screaming and turned back to do CPR. I got back down on the floor to realize that my dog daughter was cold, stiff, and long gone. She was laying in a pool of blood and urine. The floor was scratched up where she struggled for her life.
I was alone with four dogs and no help. I worked to get the door open with my keys. I called the vet, then a rescue friend, and then the vet and I got a person this time. I begged them to stay open. I wrapped and loaded up Cal-e. Sheriff loaded himself. Booker was injured and had ran across the house and was on my bed covered in blood. I loaded Booker. I left Chance in the crate. I drove to the vet with blood on my hands and clothes.
I’ve lived this story over and over a hundred times.
If Cal-e had been wearing a safety breakaway collar, Cal-e would be here today. If Cal-e had not been wearing a collar, Cal-e would be here today.